When Hedda ran into Spartacus

Sushaant Mujoo
3 min readApr 11, 2021


Hedda Hopper in 1940s commanded a readership was 35 million. That number is astounding in internet era and had exponential influence then. She was a gossip columnist and former actress, who even featured on cover of Time. She along with fellow ideologues strengthened Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals. Alliance’s cause was to defend America from “Un-American activities”. An associated Congressman of the time said that “parts of Hollywood was infiltrated with hidden traitors” who aimed to “corrupt democratic values and overthrow of the nation”.

Now, this could sound familiar chatter, if one listens to Indian news media. But I digress.

Hedda and her associates had successfully isolated writers, intellectuals of the time, by shaping public opinions on them. They created the “Hollywood Blacklist” which shunned “Un-American” people in entertainment industry for decade and more. In doing so they told then Americans that they were keeping the country safe from Un-American citizens. A strong alliance of media executives, political associates and influencers like Hedda had formed. They were now the elites of industry.

Some blacklisted folks served prison time, some lost livelihood or worked at subpar stature. Much of entertainment industry fell in line.

This started to crumble when movie Spartacus came in 1960s, and some folks decided not to toe the line. It so happened that “Blacklisted” folks still did work they could find, and made exceptionally contribution. Shaped public perception had exhausted itself, and people questioned the “fear”. Time of bullies had come to end.

I did not know much of this, before I watched the movie Trumbo. Well I knew about Hollywood Blacklist but watching movie, its characters and events made me think about events back home — India. Bharat as I now describe it to my kid.

We have our modern day Hedda — media entities like Arnab Goswami, scores of blogs-news sites, network of influencers who shape people’s perception every day through rounds of amplification. Our Hedda now says what content is a plot of “Breakup Forces”. It can say what ideas are part of a “conspiracy”. Our Hedda too has singled Anti-Nationals, who our people need to fear.

Our Hedda too has formed an alliance and are now the new elites. Our Hedda too shall crumble one day. It maybe one, two or even three decades, but the “fear of other” eventually crumbles.

Why? Because humans progress. Our minds can be bound by fear, but every piece of eventual truth sets us free. Societies may take two step forward or one back, or vice-versa, but in aggregate we move forward.

Why I am writing this? To tell myself, and maybe other liberal minded folks, that progressiveness is human nature. Not to feel discouraged if you see people’s outlook driven by fear, suspicion. Not to feel discouraged, if simple ideas or well meaning folks seem to be blacklisted. Not to feel bad when you see our own Hedda. Not to feel bad about people or friends, if you may expect differently.

Because regardless of the side of fence - when one looks back in past, many years from now, there will be no good or bad people. There will be just people who responded differently to their perceived fear or ideas.

Keep doing good. You can only manage your Karma. Keep doing that.

If you read this far, I would highly recommend Trumbo, Chicago Seven, or Invictus and even better watch Jaspal Bhatti — a man many years ahead of his time.



Sushaant Mujoo

In technology trade, wearing multiple hats. Enthusiastic about emerging concepts & product design. At www.sushaantmujoo.com